1. What year did the first ships of refugees from St. Domingue arrive in Baltimore?
a) 1793
b) 1796
c) 1797
d) 1798
2. In what area of Baltimore did the refugees from St. Domingue settle?
a) Brooklyn
b) Fells Point
c) Highlandtown
d) Hampden
3. Where did Elizabeth lange's parents seek refuge after leaving St. Domingue?
a) Jamaica
b) Cuba
c) Nassau
d) San Juan
4.What is the present name of the former colony of St. Domingue?
a) Bahamas
b) Puerto rico
c) Dominican Republic
d) Haiti
5. What is the name of the school that Elizabeth founded?
a) St. Frances Academy
b) St. Peters Academy
c) St. Benedicts School
d) St. Marys Catholic School
6. What was Mother Lange's favorite language?
a) French
b) Spanish
c) English
d) Portugese
7. What was the name of the French Priest who co-founded the Oblate Sisters of Providence?
a) Father Bernard
b) Father Joubert
c) Father Dominique
d) Father Jacques
8. Can you name one of the first sisters besides Mother Lange?
a) Margaret Long
b) Mary Thompson
c) Magdalene Balas
d) Victoria Smith
9.How many sisters were there when the Oblate Sisters of providence first started?
a) Eleven
b) Two
c) Eight
d) Four
10. What year did the cause of
canonization of Mother Lange
officially open?
a) April 1991
b) June 1994
c) February 1973
d) April 1997