The Archdiocese of Baltimore Petitions Rome: "Servant of God"
The Documents Approved: "Venerable"
A First Miracle Accepted: "Blessed"
A Second Miracle Accepted: "Saint"
This is a frequently asked question. The cause officially opened April 28, 1991 when then Archbishop William Keeler publicly announced that the Archdiocese of Baltimore had permission from Rome to begin the investigation into the heroic life and deeds of charity of Sister Mary (Elizabeth Clarisse) Lange, OSP henceforth "Servant of God."
Documents attesting to the life of heroic deeds and works of charity were formally submitted to the Ordinary of the Archdiocese August 4, 2005. In January, 2006, the documents were received by the Sacred Congregation of the Saints at Rome.
In 2005, the Roman Postulator, Fr. Wieslaw Spiewak, C.R. was appointed Postulator to review, summarize and submit Mother Lange documents to the Congregations of the Saints for approval. This process continues. If and when accepted, Mary Lange will be designated "Venerable."
In the early 1990's a woman with life threatening Sepsis recovered. Her healing, attributed to prayers through the intercession of Mother Lange, was submitted to Rome. In 2007, the Roman Postulator requested further confirmation of the medical evaluation from two physicians.
Physicians evaluated and reviewed the healings. They submitted their finds to Sister Annette Beecham, OSP, Superior General, who in turn will submit the documents to Rome. We await the results of its submission. If and when accepted, Mary Lange will be designated "Blessed."
In 1996, testimony of a second healing through the intercession of Mother Mary Lange has been reported. A religious sister suffering from post ocular complications was cured without the further recommended surgery (procedure). A medical description and the opinion of inexplicable healing by the attending ophthalmologist/surgeon has been offered in writing. A review and the opinion of a second ophthalologist has been sought. We await the evaluation of the second physician. If and when accepted, Mother Lange will be designated "Saint."
IT MUST BE NOTED: It is essential to continue gathering data and reports of other healings attributed through the intercession of Servant of God Mary Lange. Reports of healings must be documented and reviewed by two medical experts in the diocese where the healing allegedly occurred, but once in Rome, physicians there also review the cases and affirm or deny justification for acceptance. Only God knows when and upon whom the blessing of a verified healing will be accepted by the Sacred Congregation of the Saints in Rome.